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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ESBEE +cartoons 9, 14, 16, 25, 28, 29, 41
FAFA JUNO +cartoons 14, 16, 18, 24, 25, 28, 35, 41
FAIR BUDDIES +cartoons 28
FAMILY MEMBER +cartoons 45
FASHION KITCHEN +cartoons 28
FILMINA +cartoons 25
FIRST COACH +cartoons 28
cartoons 30
FOOTLOOSE +cartoons 41
FOR U KIDS +cartoons 35
FRANCO KID'S +cartoons 25
FRANK AND MATES +cartoons 25
FREND'S chikki +cartoons 30
FRINGLES +cartoons 30
FRINGLES kurmure +cartoons 30
FRY GIRLS +cartoons 14, 16, 25, 28, 42
FRY GUYS +cartoons 14, 25, 28, 42
FUN 5 +cartoons 30
FUN DOODAA +cartoons 35, 38
FUNEE STICKS +cartoons 30
FUNONYM +cartoons 41
FUNSCHOOL +cartoons 41
FZ FREN ZONE +cartoons 43
GABRADI +cartoons 34
GALAXY FUNDA +cartoons 29
GARFIELD ODIE +cartoons 9, 16, 18, 25, 28
GERMANY 2006 +cartoons 14
GEYES +cartoons 13
GHATOTHKACH +cartoons 9, 41
GINI RABBIT +cartoons 16
GLITTERS +stars & cartoons 41
GM +cartoons 1, 10, 19
cartoons 30
GO KIDZ +cartoons of girls 29
GOLU-MOLU +cartoons 25
GOOD HABITS +cartoons 9
GORDEN'S HYGIENIC +cartoons 30
GORILLA +cartoons 9, 14, 16, 25, 28, 29, 30, 41
GREEN GOLD STORE +cartoons 35
GUDDIES +deer & cartoons 25
GUDDU +cartoons 16
GUNJAN poha +cartoons 30
H HELP HUMAN +cartoons 25
HAJAMGOLI +cartoons 30
HAJMA TAB +cartoons 5
HAJMOLA +cartoons 5
HAJMOLA IMLI +cartoons 5
HAJMOLA NIMBU +cartoons 5
HAJMOLA PUDINA +cartoons 5
HALLA MACHAO +cartoons 30
HALU ice creams +cartoons 30
HAMARA SANSAR +cartoons 41
HANGAMA churan +cartoons 30
HAPPY BIRTHDAY +cartoons 30
HAPPY KIDS +cartoons 28
HAPPY TOTS +cartoons 9, 16, 25
HARSH +cartoons & oval 30
HELLO FRIEND +cartoons 16
HELLO PETS +cartoons 35
HH HAPPY HOLIDAYS +cartoons 16
HOLY MOLY +cartoons 31
HONEY CITY +oval & cartoons 30
HOOSTER +cartoons 30
HOP N BOP +cartoons 41
HUM CHIK BUM +cartoons 41
HUMPTY DUMPTY +cartoons 30
IGLOO KIDS +cartoons 16
INDO KIDS +cartoons flowers 41
INDU FAIRY GOPAL +cartoons 25
ITCA +cartoons 41
ITS MY LIFE +cartoons & ova 16
JANE TARZAN +cartoons 30
JARA DHILLE HOWOO +cartoons 41
JINGLE MINGLE +cartoons 41
JOYKIDZ +cartoons 41
JUDY +cartoons 41
JUDY +cartoons of girl 9
JUMBO KIDS +cartoons 16
JUNGLE MAGIC +cartoons tree 3
JUNIOR'S BUDS +cartoons 25
JUNIORS +cartoons 21
JUNO ice cream +cartoons 30
JUSS PLAY +cartoons 25
JUST BAKED +cartoons of che 43
JUST FOR KIDS +cartoons 3
cartoons 35
K.H.A toys BABY +cartoons 28
KAALEEN +cartoons 27
cartoons 30
KAMCO CHOCO GAMES +cartoons 30
KAWAN +cartoons 30
KAYO +cartoons & stars 12
cartoons 30
KHAFIF +cartoons 30
KID'S CAMPUS +cartoons 41
KIDDE LAND +cartoons 25
KIDDIELAND +cartoons 41
KIDDY WORLD +cartoons 38
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